
What’s on #COAWeek2025

What’s on during #COAWeek2025?

Nacoa is leading International #COAWeek2025 (9 – 15 February 2025), the annual awareness campaign casting a light on the 1 in 5 children across the UK who are struggling with a parent who drinks too much.

This year’s events include:

COA Week Live: Young people’s panel

Wednesday 12 February, 12.30pm, Nacoa’s Instagram

COA Week Nacoa Members Social+

Wednesday 12 February, 7.30pm, online

Nacoa Stafford Ward Lecture 2025

Nacoa Stafford Ward Memorial Lecture 2025

5pm – 7pm, Thursday 13 February – House of Commons, London

Nacoa Northern Gala

Nacoa Northern Gala at Hotel Football, Manchester

Saturday 22 February, 7pm til late

What are you doing for #COAWeek2025?

We would love to hear your plans are for this year’s children of alcoholics week?

As we enter the 16th year of COA week, Nacoa invite media agencies, businesses, charities and the general public to get involved so we can continue to reach the 2.6 million children in the UK living with a parent who drinks too much.

We would love to feature your work on COAWeek.org.uk. Contact us via the website or email admin@nacoa.org.uk.

For ideas of ways to help, visit the COA Week website here.

International COA Week

Find out about events being held for COA Week in other countries.

Request a custom poster for your organisation, contact admin@nacoa.org.uk.

We will produce a custom poster for your organisation, with custom logo and text on top of the below image. Please keep words to a maximum of 30.

Press contacts, click here.