About COA Week
COA Week is a campaign to raise awareness of children affected by parental alcohol problems, celebrated internationally each year during the week in which Valentine’s Day falls.
In the UK, COA Week is led by the charity Nacoa UK who provide year-round support. Please join us. Together we can increase awareness of this hidden problem and the support available.
Around the world
COA Week activities are held across the globe. Take a look at what’s happening for #COAWeek2025
COA Week Finland
Find out about Finland’s Se anhörigbarnet! (See the relative’s child) campaign in Finland launched by Stiftelsen Bensow. #seanhörigbarnet

COA Week Germany
Find out about Germany’s Aktionswoche für Kinder aus suchtbelasteten Familien organised by NACOA Deutschland.
This year’s campaign is #ichwerdelaut, meaning #igetloud, for children of addicted parents.
NACOA will show the short film Erinnerungen einer vergessenen Kindheit (Memories of a Forgotten Childhood) by Lars Smekal and broadcast new Lunchtime Interviews with COAs. Events are also being held by many organisations across Germany including educational seminars, book readings, film screenings, and family craft sessions.

COA Week India
Dr. A. V. Baliga Memorial Hospital, Udupi, India will be celebrating #COAWeek2025 with lectures and workshops, media awareness, and a drawing competition.

COA Week Ireland
Silent Voices – Ireland hold an annual End the Silence series of events to raise awareness of the issues arising from growing up with alcohol harm in the home. This includes podcast episodes.
COA Week Korea
Children of Alcoholics Korea is encouraging people to post to social media holding banners with the words ‘You are not alone’. They hope that children from addicted families, not only in Korea but around the world, will escape from their wounds, receive healing touch, and live a life of recovery. #coaweekinkorea
COA Week Slovenia
Mednarodni teden oktrok Alcoholikov (Children of Alcoholics Week) in Slovenia is lead by Nacoa Slovenija.
This year’s theme Jaz – Varen Otok Sredi Viharja, meaning Me – A Safe Place in the Heart of a Storm focuses on empowering children of alcoholics by building resilience and strengthening external support systems.
In collaboration with other Slovenian organizations, the campaign features a roundtable discussion on resilience, recovery, and connection, along with several online events and media contributions throughout the week.
NACOA Slovenija are also publishing a Slovenian translation of Janet G. Woititz’s book Adult Children of Alcoholics and will host an online presentation of the book.

COA Week Switzerland
La Semaine National D’action Enfants de Parents Avec Une Addiction co-ordinated by Addiction Suisse have activities organised across Switzerland, and will be raising awareness in the Swiss media. #sortonsdusilence

COA Week Sweden
The Swedish annual week Spela Roll (Play a role) aims to draw attention to children who grow up in families where someone drinks too much and what can be done to help. People are encouraged to organise local events, join their campaign online, and attend the digital seminar programme. #spelaroll2025

Join the international awareness campaign and shine a light on the hidden pain and suffering of vulnerable kids and teens impacted by the disease of addiction in their families.
During COA Awareness Week we can work together to educate children and families and empower the caring adults who want to help them. Together, we can make a difference that can last a lifetime!
For COA Awareness Week 2025, NACoA have tranlsated the campaign logo and ‘Seven Cs’ for children into 16 languages.
Visit the NACoA USA website to find out more and join their COA Awareness Week Speaker Series of webinars.